Brazen gave Wealthsimple a framework for understanding their incredibly diverse user base.

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The Challenge

By making investing simple, affordable, accessible, and personalized, Wealthsimple strives to help everyone achieve their financial goals.

In order to do this effectively, Wealthsimple realized they needed to understand “everyone” much more deeply. They were proud of their incredibly diverse user base, but without having a strong understanding of their users’ financial goals, motivations, habits, and emotions, they knew they could miss opportunities to serve them better.

Wealthsimple engaged Brazen to tackle this challenge through user research, with the hopes of making everyone at the company more understanding of and empathetic towards their users.

The Approach

  • Stakeholder interviews dug deep into the leadership team's hypotheses and assumptions about Wealthsimple users

  • Interviews with users who varied widely in their financial circumstances, investing experiences, and demographics uncovered useful patterns in their behaviours, though processes, and emotions

  • A set of user personas distilled the highest-priority insights into a format that was easy to digest and share across the company, while a comprehensive report provided complementary analysis and recommendations
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“Your user research sessions have become my favourite ‘podcast’ of all time!”

Director of Engineering, Wealthsimple

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The Impact

The leadership team decided that the research was so helpful for deepening their understanding of and empathy for their users, they engaged Brazen to conduct an onsite workshop to ensure the entire company understood how to leverage the personas in their work.

The personas continue to inform product and design decisions at Wealthsimple, and Wealthsimple has since engaged Brazen for additional research based on how valuable this project was for their team.