Brazen’s research helped Imperva make complex information beautifully simple.

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The Challenge

Imperva, a leading cybersecurity software company, recently launched a major initiative to develop the Cyber Threat Index (CTI) — a numerical score that reflects the global cyber threat level, accompanied by a detailed monthly report that presents cybersecurity trends, analytics, and insights.

Imperva was eager to share their wealth of data with the public, but they needed help to understand which pieces are highest-priority to their key audiences, and how to present them in a way that makes them easy to understand and take action.

For this project, THINKware, a technology design and strategy firm, engaged Brazen as their research partner as they worked to bring Imperva’s CTI to life.

The Approach

Brazen's first round of research tested a prototype of an initial hypothesis for the visual design and content strategy of the CTI with participants from three key audiences: cybersecurity professionals, public relations professionals, and tech company executives.

THINKware then rapidly iterated on their designs, incorporating Brazen's recommendations from the research. Throughout this process, Brazen worked closely with THINKware to help them solve some tricky design and content problems.

Brazen followed this up with a second round of user testing on the reworked designs to ensure that the chosen approach had indeed solved the problems that arose in the first round, as well as recommend refinements where necessary.

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“You killed it!!! It was great to be a silent listener today. You did a great job of moving the participant through the session and understanding the ‘why’.

Your research makes me feel smarter.”

Global Director of Brand, Imperva

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The Impact

THINKware’s approach to the CTI was a big hit with Imperva. And because it was backed by Brazen’s research with real, representative users, Imperva was confident that it would be well-received by their target audiences.

Just a few months later, Imperva launched the CTI to the public. It has been a great success so far, with insights from the report appearing frequently in business and cybersecurity publications across the web, including BusinessWire, StreetInsider, and Security Boulevard.